This is one hour in-depth coaching that provides insight into your challenges and gives you a road map solution to remediate your issues.


"Thank you Dr. Femi for helping my wife and I to get back to communicating regularly again after several weeks of not speaking to each other and at the brink of divorce." Michael

"After talking to Dr. Femi I don't feel those thoughts of "What If" I'm doing myself wrong" -Julia-

"When you talked about the car with no engine... How it WOULD NOT move☝ I feel like if I put almost whole parts of MYSELF, into the succession of my marriage with husband and he does not RESPECT my sacrifice- then it's an unequally yoked marriage.. and it destroys the foundation that we work together to build as we said I do and committed to those vows in front of God and every other witness there.. I'm very happy that you broke it down so easily.. " -Krystal Harris-

"What hit me hard was when you said, true love not backed up by the right actions is not true love." Cambria Moore

Meet Your Relationship Expert & Host

Dr. Femi Ogunjinmi also known as Gfem is a sought after global relationship expert and TEDx speaker who has helped over 4 million people understand what true love is. His show, Dr. Femi show aired in over 70 million households.

For many years, Dr. Femi has been a go-to expert and has been featured on top media platforms to include TEDx, ABC, NBC, FOX News, The Word Network, USA Today, Xirius XM, and so many other media outlets.

Apart from keynoting and speaking at conferences across the United State and overseas, Dr. Femi conducts his own relationship programs, seminars, and workshops. His signature conference, "Revelations of Relationship Seminar" occurs every year in the United State and has been conducted internationally in Nigeria. His workshops include Becoming The Man She Wants for married men & Becoming The Person Your Partner Wants for couples.

Dr. Femi is the founder of National Relationship Equity Day, an organization that has created a national awareness day celebrated June 24th of every year. National Relationship Equity Day is dedicated to eradicating gender inequity in relationship and promoting the use of gifts, values, skill sets, constraints, and interests as a way of defining roles in relationship other than gender.

He's happily married to the wife of his youth and blessed with two wonderful children and a maltese dog.

This coaching is not available for purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment. If you don't receive a calendar to schedule your appointment, send a message to [email protected]

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.