Fit To Be Tied Pre-Marital Counseling

Fit to be tied is a pre-marital counseling program to help couples set a great foundation for their marriage and address all the areas of marriage that they need to be aware of. We promote a safe environment for couples to communicate all topics in an open and honest manner. Some of the topics we will be discussing in the pre-marital counseling are the following:


Getting to Know You

Understanding how a couple’s individual personalities impact their relationship is helpful when striving to understand relationship dynamics.


Your Personal History

This session provides the opportunity to examine your family of origin and your past to understand what baggage and expectations you may unknowingly bring into a marriage. It is true that your past can dramatically affect your present and your future. Taking time to examine your personal history and communicate on key discussion points serves to resolve conflict before it begins.


Personal Financial Management

Financial issues are one of the top causes of marriage conflict. We will touch on relevant topics such as spending habits, creating a budget, dual versus single incomes, how children affect the family budget, and more. Communicating regarding a solid financial plan is crucial to harmony in any marriage. 


Sexuality in Marriage

Few subjects are more misunderstood today. Learn how your sexuality and your spirituality are related and, when adequately understood, will bring incredible fulfillment in this vital aspect of your relationship.


Marriage Expectations

Every person who enters marriage brings certain expectations. Which ones are realistic? Which ones are unrealistic? Identifying expectations and setting goals together is a fulfilling and exciting process.


And so many other important topics.

Meet Your Relationship Coach

Dr. Femi Ogunjinmi, also known as Gfem, is a sought after global relationship expert and TEDx speaker who has helped over 3million people understand what true love is. His show Dr. Femi Show aired over 70 million households.

For many years Dr. Femi has been a go-to expert and been featured on top platforms to include TEDx, ABC, NBC, FOX News, The Word Network, USA Today, Xirius XM, and so many other major media outlets.

Apart from keynoting and speaking at conferences across the United State and overseas, Dr. Femi conducts relationship programs, seminars, and workshops. His signature conference, “Revelations of Relationship Seminar” occurs every year in the United State and has been conducted internationally in Nigeria. His workshops include Becoming The Man She Wants & Becoming The Person Your Partner Wants.

Dr. Femi is the founder of National Relationship Equity Day, an organization that has created a national awareness day celebrated June 24th of every year. National Relationship Equity Day is dedicated to eradicating gender inequity in relationship and promoting the use of gifts, values, skill sets, constraints, and interests as a way of defining roles in relationship other than gender.

He's happily married to the wife of his youth and blessed with two wonderful children and a maltese dog.

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